Camping in Bavaria – the best sites if travelling by train

Travelling to the camp site by rail? No problem. Since you don't need to bring a tent or a caravan with you when visiting these camp sites. The best thing is that there's something for everyone on this list – from camping novices to experienced outdoor fans.

No traffic noise, no caravans. Just water, trees and grass. The island of Buchau on Lake Staffelsee...

This island is ideal for those who don't want to have to decide between water and mountains. You can admire the Oberammergauer Alpen (Upper Ammergau Alps) whilst taking a dip in the lake.

Pyjama party in a huge tent: The Tent is not your average camp site, but actually a large tent with...
Mountain views and (beer) culture: You don't need to bring your own tent when staying at this camp...

You don't need to haul tents and the like here with you. You can rent everything right at the camp site and instead enjoy a relaxed journey through nature.

The perfect combination: Find just the right spot at this camp site and you'll be able to see the...

A barrel of laughs – you can rent camping barrels, caravans and holiday homes at the Camping Bannwaldsee camp site. So it's perfect for a pleasant arrival by rail.

Summer in the city: "Knaus Campingpark" is incredibly peaceful, despite being right in the middle...

The location of Knaus Campingpark camp site could make even the highest quality hotels jealous. View of the Dutzendteich lake is included.

This place never wants for comfort, no matter the season. Campingplatz Hasenmühle is situated in...

You can explore all of the Altmühltal valley from the Hasenmühle camp site.

You can find details on how to reach these locations in the individual trip pages.

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Camping at Lake Bannwaldsee
Nearest station: Füssen Münchner Straße 151
87645 Schwangau
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