Ice cream! The 7 best ice cream parlours in Bavaria

Not all ice cream is created equal. Very special refreshments await you in these Bavarian ice cream parlours.

Not all ice cream is created equal. Thanks to its proximity to Italy, Bavaria has become a centre for ice cream culture. Very special refreshments await you in these Bavarian ice cream parlours.

Zwei Erdbeereis in der Waffel

Your 12-stop ticket to ice cream bliss: The "True&12" ice-cream parlour in Munich

True&12 in Munich always serve twelve different flavours of ice-cream. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can even watch from behind a glass pane as the owner makes the ice cream in the back of the shop.
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Schokoladeneis in der Theke

Scoops all round: Cool off at "Stenz" ice cream café in Regensburg

It's a rare occasion when you won't see queues outside of Stenz ice cream parlour in Regensburg old town. The ice cream is completely home-made and can be served with numerous toppings. And the flavours are extremely varied.
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Schwarzwälder Kirsch Eis mit Weintrauben

Frozen creations: "Opera" ice cream café in Bayreuth

The Bayreuth ice cream paradise "Opera" is just an eight-minute walk from the station. The café still uses traditional Italian ice cream churning methods.
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Eistheke mit einem Schild "Eis im Glück"

From lottery shop to one of the most attractive ice cream cafés in Nuremberg: "Das Eis im Glück"

Ice cream café "Das Eis im Glück", located in the Johannis quarter of Nuremberg, was once a shop that sold lottery tickets. These days, however, it is scrumptious scoops of ice cream that are handed to you from across the counter – in both unusual as well as the usual flavours.
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Blick von oben auf Holztisch mit bunt gefüllten Eisbechern

Frozen indulgence near the station: Ice cream café "Dall'Asta" in Ulm

Ice cream café "Dall'Asta" in Ulm is the perfect place for a refreshing break. After all, it's only a five-minute walk from Ulm main station.
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Drei Kugeln Eis in drei Waffeln mit Stadt im Hintergrund

N"ice" work: Ice cream from "Benito" in Würzburg

Where tradition meets modernity: Ice cream café "Benito" in Würzburg has been around for 84 years, and is currently being run by the fourth generation in the family.
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1 / 6
"Benito" ice cream café
Nearest station: Würzburg main station Schustergasse 2
97070 Würzburg
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