Simply travel out by train and walk back

Some routes are simply too far. A great compromise – travel out by train and then explore and enjoy the scenery by foot.

It's quicker on the way out, but more beautiful on the way back. Some routes are too long for you to have enough time and energy to walk both there and back. A great compromise – travel out by train and then explore and enjoy the scenery by foot.

This is a place where everything unites: the traditional and the modern, East and West, and the...
The idyllic region of Gablingen is located around ten kilometres north-west of Augsburg. You can...
Bruckberg is situated between the Upper Bavarian town of Moosburg an der Isar and the Lower...
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Ellermühle beer garden
Nearest station: Bruckberg Ellermühle 7C
84034 Landshut
Learn more
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