Off we go then (just for a bit). The Bavarian pilgrimage route

You don't have to make it all the way to Santiago de Compostela – these legs of the Bavarian pilgrimage route are perfect for a day's hike. 

You don't have to make it all the way to Santiago de Compostela – these legs of the Bavarian pilgrimage route are perfect for a day's hike. Great spiritual enlightenment may then not be waiting for you at the end – but a relaxing day can also be something heavenly.

Goldene Pilgermuschel auf dem Jakobsweg

Pilgrimage route – from Hof to Nuremberg

In the north of Bavaria, the pilgrimage route runs from Hof to Nuremberg. For train travellers there are two legs that we especially recommend.
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Wegweiser für den Jakobsweg mit einer Gruppe Wanderern auf dem Pfad im Hintergrund

Pilgrimage route – from Aschaffenburg to Colmar

If you want to experience a pilgrimage route while only taking a short hike, you should set out from Aschaffenburg. It leads all the way to Colmar in two legs.
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Kleine Kapelle auf dem Jakobsweg mit Baum und Feld im Hintergrund

Short pilgrimage routes through Bavaria

Would you like to explore the pilgrimage route in Bavaria? We recommend short pilgrimage routes which go through the region.
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