Blick aus der Luft auf Olympiapark mit Turm und Stadion

The best view of Bavaria – from a viewpoint to a balloon trip

Not scared of heights? Then please read on. Here are five trip tips for those who have set their sights high when travelling by rail. 

Not scared of heights? Then please read on. Scared of heights? Then read on anyway so you don't miss out. Here are five trip tips for those who have set their sights high when travelling by rail.

A view far and wide over the Franconian wine country – enjoy it at the “terroir f” lookout...
Also for people with a fear of flying: A balloon flight above Bavaria is perfect for anyone who...
Experience a spectacular ascent from zero to almost 200 metres in just 30 seconds at the Olympic...
Experience a free-floating steel X in the rock: the AlpspiX viewing platform directly above the...
Up to the most northerly lookout point in Bavaria: the Thüringer Warte tower near Ludwigsstadt is...
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AlpspiX viewing platform
Nearest railway station: Garmisch-Partenkirchen Olympiastraße 27
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
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