Travel by rail to see the old haunts of the Blue Rider expressionist art group

Follow the trail of the Blue Rider group by rail through Upper Bavaria and visit the workshops of the famous artists Marc, Kandinsky, etc.

Yellow cows, vibrant landscapes and, over and over again, blue horses – the artists of the "Blue Rider" group loved expressive and colourful art. Are you a fan of it as well? Then follow the trail of the Blue Rider group by rail through Upper Bavaria and visit the workshops of the famous artists Marc, Kandinsky, etc.

The castle museum's large collection of paintings shows the lasting impression that Murnau and its...
A journey of discovery into the world of art: the Lenbachhaus not only brings together the world's...
All his life, author, film-maker and painter Lothar-Günther Buchheim collected paintings and...
The town of Kochel built a museum in honour of the famous Expressionist painter Franz Marc. With an...
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Buchheim Museum der Phantasie
Nearest station: Bernried Am Hirschgarten 1
82347 Bernried am Starnberger See
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