Viva Bavaria! In the footsteps of the Romans through Bavaria

Between the Alps and the limes (the limits of the Roman Empire) – the history of Ancient Rome comes to life in these corners of Bavaria.


With the conquer of Raetia (the area corresponding to Bavaria and its surroundings) in 15 BC, the history of the Romans in the area that is now Bavaria began. And it continues to live on in the area between the Alps and the limes. That is to say, in these corners of Bavaria –

The Roman stronghold in Weißenburg

Due to its location right by the limes, the little Middle Franconian town of Weißenburg became a true Roman stronghold.
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Hausdurchgang mit groben Steinen, Treppe und Tor

The Porta Praetoria in Regensburg

The Porta Praetoria is hidden away between bars, the Danube and Regensburg cathedral. It is one of two remaining Roman gates in Germany.
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Luftaufnahme auf grün bewachsene Berge und einem Ort im Tal

The Roman villa in Schwangau

The edge of the Alps was solidly under Roman control. The Villa Rustica was discovered in the shadow of the Tegelberg mountain in the 1930s.
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Pompejanum in Aschaffenburg vor blauem Himmel

The Pompeiianum in Aschaffenburg

The Gulf of Naples is at home on the banks of the river Main: Aschaffenburg's Pompeiianum is a unique window onto the art and culture of the classical world. The archaeologically accurate reconstruction of a Roman villa houses temporary exhibitions and offers visitors tours about different topics.
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Luftaufnahme mit Blick auf Passau

The Roman museum in Passau

The Roman museum was built on the foundations of Kastell Boiotro castle. Films and light installations bring history to life.
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Nearest station: Aschaffenburg main station Pompejanumstraße 5
63739 Aschaffenburg
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