“With everything, and nice and spicy, please!”: the Arkadas Döner kebab shop in Augsburg

“With everything, and nice and spicy, please!”: the Arkadas Döner kebab shop in Augsburg

rest stop

People on a night out gather in front of the popular Arkadas Döner kebab shop late into the night.

People on a night out gather in front of the popular Arkadas Döner kebab shop late into the night. During the day, the queue is usually relatively short. If it takes a bit longer, you can sweeten the wait with Turkish tea. You can reach the restaurant on foot from the station in about 12 minutes – just walk along Halderstraße and Hallstraße to the east.

Arkadas Döner
Maximilianstraße 64
86150 Augsburg
Next station
Augsburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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