Chilling around Munich main station

Chilling around Munich main station

Gardens and parks
rest stop

Fancy relaxing in nature or enjoying a cappuccino with a fifty's flair? For the former, we recommend visiting the fountain in the botanical gardens which are located five minutes away from the station.

Fancy relaxing in nature or a quick cappuccino with a fifty's flair instead? For the former, we recommend visiting the fountain in the Alter Botanischer Garten (old botanical garden) which is located five minutes away from the station.

You’ll need ten more minutes to get to "Café Jasmin", but it’s worth it. The set-up and decoration emulate the authentic charm of the 1950s. We especially recommend the selection of freshly squeezed juice and the hot chocolate!  

Alter Botanischer Garten (old botanical garden)
Sophienstraße 7
80333 Munich
Next station
München Hbf (Munich main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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