75,000 metres of cross-country skiing around Oberstdorf

75,000 metres of cross-country skiing around Oberstdorf

Seasonal Highlight
Workout Opportunity

Not far from Oberstdorf railway station, 71 kilometres of groomed and modern cross-country ski trails begin.

If you're looking for a cross-country ski trail in Oberstdorf, it's easy: whether sunny and sheltered, world-class challenging or idyllic and relaxed - 71 kilometres of groomed and modern cross-country ski trails start not far from the train station. Ten of them even have artificial snow-making facilities. The Oberstdorf circuit starts at the south-western edge of the village. It leads across meadows and fields, past the pilgrimage chapels of St Loretto and on to the Renksteg. In the Ried cross-country stadium, floodlights ensure cross-country skiing fun even at night.

Oberstdorf circuit
Weststraße 53B
87561 Oberstdorf
Next station

Please check the snow and weather conditions as well as the opening hours of the ski resort before buying your ticket!

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