Visit Little Red Riding Hood at the Märchenwald (fairy tale forest) in Wolfratshausen

Visit Little Red Riding Hood at the Märchenwald (fairy tale forest) in Wolfratshausen

family friendly
Experience with action
Children's Birthdays

Lots of playing and climbing facilities, a fairy tale train and fast rides make visiting the Märchenwald (fairy tale forest) in Wolfratshausen an adventure.

There's more than Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and Cinderella to be found under the tall trees: lots of playing and climbing facilities, a fairy tale train and fast rides make visiting the Märchenwald (fairy tale forest) in Wolfratshausen an adventure. And if you’re not afraid of heights you can even celebrate your birthday at the enchanted tree houses in the middle of the park.

News and opening hours are available here.

Märchenwald (fairy tale forest)
Kräuterstraße 39
82515 Wolfratshausen
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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