The fairy tale trail in the Upper Palatinate

The fairy tale trail in the Upper Palatinate

Hiking Trails
family friendly

Even a simple stroll can be magical: dive into the world of fairy tales on the Schönwerth fairy tale trail.

Even a simple stroll can be magical: dive into the world of Upper Palatinate fairy tales and legends on the Schönwerth fairy tale trail. Eight sculpture stops showcase forest-based fairy tales which were collected by Upper Palatinate folklorist, Franz Xaver von Schönwerth. QR codes and a smartphone allow you to read the respective fairy tales out loud. The path begins directly next to the Walderlebniszentrum Regensburg forest discovery centre and can be reached from the train station by bus.

Schönwerth fairy tale trail
Rieglinger Höhe 1
93161 Sinzing
Next station
Regensburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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