The fitness park in Bad Griesbach

The fitness park in Bad Griesbach

Workout Opportunity

In the Rottal valley you will not just find an exercise trail, but an entire fitness park. You can have a rest on the barefoot path.

In Bad Griesbach im Rottal, you will not just find an exercise trail, but an entire fitness park. After all that exercise, you can rest your tired feed on the barefoot path directly next to the fitness park. Tip for overnight visitors: the regional hotels offer free training sessions at the fitness park with qualified trainers. You can get to the fitness park area directly from Passau station by bus.

Fitness park in Bad Griesbach
Stadtplatz 1
94086 Bad Griesbach im Rottal
Next station
Passau Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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