Soar up to the sky: Helicopter ride over the Allgäu

Soar up to the sky: Helicopter ride over the Allgäu

Experience with action
photo spot

Adrenaline for the brave: At Tannheim airport you can have a go at being a helicopter pilot yourself. After a rigorous introduction you can just get going.

Have you always wanted to be a pilot? At Tannheim airport near Memmingen you can climb aboard the cockpit of a helicopter yourself and fly up to the sky, accompanied by a pilot. Before take-off and after your rigorous introduction, you have to decide on your destination. How about the Allgäu lakes, the Alps, Lake Constance or Neuschwanstein Castle?

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Tannheimer Flieger- und Freizeitzentrum
Flugplatz 1
88459 Tannheim
Next station
Tannheim (Württ)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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