Horse-drawn sleigh ride in Oberstaufen

Horse-drawn sleigh ride in Oberstaufen

Seasonal Highlight
All ages

A horse-drawn sleigh ride in Oberstaufen is the perfect opportunity to relax and enjoy the winter. Snuggled up warmly in blankets and accompanied by the sound of hooves and bells, you glide through the snow-covered landscape.

With the horse-drawn sleigh through Steibis

In Steibis, a district of Oberstaufen, you can experience a very special sleigh ride. The Imbergbahn cable car takes you comfortably to the summit, where powerful horses and cosy sleighs await you. Two horsepower takes you through snow-covered forests and along picturesque paths. The view of the Allgäu mountains and the peaceful winter atmosphere make this ride something special.

The horse-drawn sleigh ride is perfect for both romantic excursions and family adventures. The carefully groomed animals and cosy sleighs ensure a comfortable and harmonious experience that shows you the winter side of Oberstaufen from its most beautiful side.

Imberg cable car
In der Au 4
87534 Oberstaufen
Next station

Check the daily lift openings and snow conditions in the winter sports report here before buying your ticket

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