Luitpoldhain Park in Nuremberg

Luitpoldhain Park in Nuremberg

Historically Relevant
rest stop

Possibly the prettiest park in the city

Although the Luitpoldhain Park borders directly with another park, "Volkspark Dutzendteich", it is very different. It is more peaceful and more pristine, even though it has a Crazy Golf Course and a children's playground. But twice a year, this tranquil setting becomes a hub of bustling activity. The Luitpoldhain hosts Nuremberg's Classic Open Air concerts, which sees scores of people swarm to the park to listen to the music, armed with picnic blankets and snacks.

For further information please click here.

Luitpoldhain in Nuremberg
90471 Nuremberg
Next station
Nürnberg Frankenstadion

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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