Maximilian Grotto in the "Veldenstein" region

Maximilian Grotto in the "Veldenstein" region

Hiking Trails
Program & Tours
rest stop

The largest stalactite in Germany. You certainly won't want for things to see in the Maximilian Grotto, which consists of an intricate network of caves and tunnels.

The Maximilian Grotto is an intricate system of caves and tunnels. This myriad of different sized caverns spans across several levels in the ground. Each one has been given its own name, and for a good reason. In the "Eagle Grotto", part of the wall resembles a bird with outstretched wings. And the "Organ Grotto" has a section that resembles organ pipes. The path continues past the "Baptismal Font" and into the "Treasure Chamber", which contains the six-metre-high "Iceberg" – the largest stalactite in Germany. After you leave the dark cave, you return to the "SchutzhĂĽtte" (on-site cabin), which marks both the start and the end of every tour. If you're hungry after the tour you can grab a bite to eat at the "Gasthof Grottenhof". One of their delicacies is the aromatic "Grottenkäse", which is a hard smoked cheese made from cow's milk and matured for at least ten months in the Maximilian Grotto. 

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Maximilian Grotto
Krottensee Grottenhof
91284 Neuhaus an der Pegnitz
Next station
Neuhaus (Pegnitz)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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