The Franconian Open Air Museum Bad Windsheim

The Franconian Open Air Museum Bad Windsheim

Program & Tours
Gastronomic History
Historically Relevant
Gardens and parks
rest stop

A trip to the Franconian Open Air Museum is like a journey back in time. 700 years of Franconian everyday history come alive again here.

Times gone by under the open sky

Time travel in Middle Franconia: If you want to know how people earned their living in the past and what everyday life was like without electricity and running water, you will find the answers at the Franconian Open-Air Museum in Bad Windsheim. 700 years of Franconian everyday history come to life here.

Over 100 houses furnished true to the original give visitors an impression of people's lives from the Middle Ages to the middle of the 20th century. On their way through the open-air museum, visitors have the feeling of wandering from village to village thanks to the buildings arranged in six groups according to region and theme. Between the mills, barns, breweries and inns, there are always orchards or fields that are cultivated in a historically accurate manner with ox or horse-drawn carts and on which regional fruit, vegetables and grains thrive. At the latest when a Schwäbisch-Häll pig comes grunting around the corner, the museum sheep give a mowing concert or a Franconian country goose defends its farm, you will notice that the clocks tick differently at the open-air museum.

In addition, events take place throughout the year: Special exhibitions, lectures or guided tours and hands-on activities. From May to October, you have the opportunity to attend demonstrations of daily changing crafts, such as weaving, wool spinning, basket making, beet making, clog making or blacksmithing.

Current information, admission prices and opening hours can be found here.

The "R" stands for carp

After your visit to the museum, treat yourself to a genuine Franconian speciality: baked carp in beer batter. In the months marked with an "R", i.e. from September to April, the Goldener Adler inn serves this delicious traditional dish. Lovers of classic, hearty dishes and vegetarians will also find what they are looking for here. The drinks menu features wines from the local vineyards and regional beers.

By the way: this traditional Franconian inn in the heart of the old town has been around since 1711 and is just five minutes' walk from the open-air museum. Go straight back along Bernhard-Bickert-Weg and follow it to the left and then right again in the direction of Südring. Follow the course of the Südring to the right and turn right again at the next bend. After passing the playground, turn right onto Bauhofwall. From there, the path turns right onto Hans-Schmotzer-Straße. After 150 metres, turn left into Rothenburger Straße. From here you can't miss the Goldener Adler.

Finally: Relaxation or action in the spa gardens

Round off your visit to Bad Windsheim in Middle Franconia in Bavaria's largest listed spa park. The green oasis of well-being extends over around 35 hectares and is home to colourful flower beds and well-tended green spaces. On warm summer days, the numerous trees provide soothing shade. The spacious park offers a wide range of activities: the Kneipp pool invites you to refreshing water treading, you can prove your dexterity at the mini-golf and the stone labyrinth leads you to your inner centre. If all this is too action-packed for you, you can simply take a relaxed stroll through the extensive green spaces. On your way back, take your bearings from the mini-golf course and the pavilion in the southern part of the park. From there, the Kurparksteg leads you directly to the tracks of Bad Windsheim railway station.


Your excursion into the rural past begins at Bad Windsheim railway station. From there it is a 20-minute walk. Follow Obertiefer Straße and turn left onto Zeughausstraße. After 150 metres, the path leads slightly to the right onto Spitalgasse. After 450 metres, cross Rothenburger Straße and follow Hans-Schmotzer-Straße slightly to the left. From there, turn left into Bauhofwall and at the next fork, turn right again past the playground. Follow Südring to the left and turn left at Bernhard-Bickert-Weg - and immediately right again. Now it is only a few metres until you can start your journey through time at the open-air museum.

Our extra tip for children

There is a lot to experience here for animal fans of all ages: pigs, cows, horses, goats, sheep and ducks are waiting to be discovered on the museum farm and the museum sheep farm. On Sundays and during the Bavarian school holidays also on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, the Franconian Open-Air Museum has its own changing children's programme with hands-on guided tours for fun and excitement. Milking cows and churning butter, meeting the flock of sheep and their shepherd or even visiting the beekeeper and his bees - thanks to protective clothing, the young explorers can watch the busy little bees at work from up close.

Fachwerkhäuser im Museum Bad Windsheim
Blick auf Fachwerkhäuser im Museum Bad Windsheim
Franconian Open Air Museum Bad Windsheim
Eisweiherweg 1
91438 Bad Windsheim
Next station
Bad Windsheim

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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