Pilgrimage route – from Hof to Nuremberg

Pilgrimage route – from Hof to Nuremberg

Hiking Trails
rest stop

In the north of Bavaria, the pilgrimage route runs from Hof to Nuremberg. For train travellers there are two legs that we especially recommend.

In the north of Bavaria, the pilgrimage route runs from Hof to Nuremberg. For train travellers, we recommend the day-long legs of Marktschorgast to Bayreuth (24 km) and Gräfenberg to Kalchreuth (20 km):

From Marktschorgast you’ll first hike to the Himmelkron collegiate church, which was built in the 13th century. Continue along the ridgeway with a view of the Franconian forest and the Fichtel mountains, before you reach the beautiful festival city of Bayreuth, and make the way home by train.

The route from Gräfenberg in Franconian Switzerland towards Kalchreuth is largely through idyllic forest trails. The "Teufelstisch" (devil’s table) is particularly worthy of a visit, as it is an impressive sandstone cliff formation. If your feet are already sore after five kilometres, you have the option to take the train back home from Igensdorf.

The last leg of the Nuremberg-Eichstätt pilgrimage route is particularly beautiful: starting from Altdorf, the route goes past the Mariä Himmelfahrt pilgrimage church in BuchenhĂĽll, and onto one of the oldest crossroads in Bavaria, towards the episcopal town of Eichstätt. You can find the flyer about the whole route here.

Lorenzkirche church, Hof
Bernecker StraĂźe 6
95509 Hof
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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