Rieneck Castle: A scouts' rendezvous

Rieneck Castle: A scouts' rendezvous

Historically Relevant
Overnight Stay

Back in 1150, this castle was home to the Count of Loon and Rieneck. But these days, you'll mainly see scores of young people strolling through the walkways.

Back in 1150, this castle was home to the Count of Loon and Rieneck. But these days, you'll mainly see scores of young people strolling through the walkways. This is because Rieneck Castle has become the national centre for the Association of Christian Scouts and Guides. However, you can still visit the castle, take part in events and even stay the night. It's a place where you'll never get bored. How about a medieval cookery class or a treasure hunt?

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Rieneck Castle
Schloßberg 1
97794 Rieneck
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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