Climbing with the little ones

Climbing with the little ones

Experience with action
family friendly
Children's Birthdays
rest stop

The Himalayas are in Bavaria: that's the name of the 15-metre-high course for experienced climbers in the Grüntensee Climbing Forest. Too high for you and certainly nothing for the kids? There are a total of nine other climbing routes and even a slackline course in this high ropes course.

The Grüntensee climbing forest is located directly at the Grüntensee lake, 24 kilometres south of Kempten. With ten courses, the high ropes course in Bavaria is specially designed for families with children of different ages. You can conquer the first ones at the age of six, accompanied by an adult, of course. On the "Zwergerlweg", mini-Tarzans from the age of three can conquer seven elements one metre above the ground at the hand of their parents. The "Marathon" is a course up to seven metres high for children aged ten and over. Guests need very strong nerves in the "Himalaya": this is a course up to 15 metres high for all climbers who are brave and older than 15.

Those who have climbed enough can try out the slackline course or explore the adventure playground with the little ones. So much exercise is fun - and hungry. Luckily, the "Seehaus" is right next door and offers hearty treats like "Allgäuer Kässpatzen". Before you head back home, we recommend taking a dip in the Grüntensee in summer. A pretty sunbathing lawn with a bathing beach and a canoe and stand-up paddle rental is right next to the climbing park.

There are special offers for children's birthday parties on the climbing park website.

The current opening hours vary each month. You can find them and the admission prices on the website of the provider.


It is a short twelve-minute walk from Wertach-Haslach railway station. Walk south on Grüntenseestraße and turn right at the first opportunity after "Gästehaus Ute". Attention: The street is also called Grüntenseestraße. Follow the path for 800 metres to your destination.

Our extra tip for children

The Kletterwald Grüntensee is particularly fast-paced on its own ZIP Line and Flying Fox zip line course "Höhenflug". Everyone weighing 30 kg or more can race through the climbing park on six zip lines criss-crossing between the treetops. At the end of the course, the bravest dare to jump from 10 metres into the depths.

Grüntensee Climbing Forest
Am Kletterwald 1
87466 Oy-Mittelberg
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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