Katholische Filialkirche St. Maria in Jesenwang, Foto: GFreihalter, Wikipedia, CC Kirche St. Peter und Paul, Foto: Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Mammendorf Katholische Filialkirche St. Maria in Jesenwang, Foto: GFreihalter, Wikipedia, CC Wallfahrtskirche St. Willibald Jesenwang, Foto: GFreihalter, Wikipedia, CC Foto: Pexels/pixabay.com

The sky over Mammendorf

Churches & Monasteries
Culturally Important
swimming possibility
rest stop
Hiking Trails

On this hike, you will explore the spiritual treasures of Mammendorf. From the churches, the route continues to the Mammendorf leisure park, where swimming fun and beer garden flair await those seeking relaxation.

7 h
19 km
Key facts of the tour
So much sky above the flat countryside! That alone is enough to make you reverent and relax your city-saturated mind. And when historically valuable sacred buildings line the path, your heart not only breathes peace, but also a little spirituality. The almost 18-kilometre hike is crowned at the end by a refreshing swim and beer garden flair in the tranquil Mammendorf leisure park.
A hiking tour for nature lovers, culture vultures and explorers

Start and end station

Start station
S-Bahnhof Mammendorf Mammendorf
4 tour steps
19 km / 7 Stunden
End station
S-Bahnhof Mammendorf Mammendorf

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.


Tour starts on S-Bahnhof Mammendorf Mammendorf


The hike starts northwards and leads to Nannhofen. The graceful Catholic church of St Peter and Paul can already be seen from the path. But before that, look to the right, where Nannhofen Castle stands, which was built around the same time as the church. The baroque castle was remodelled in the neoclassical style and is now privately owned.

Catholic branch church of St Peter and Paul

Nannhofen is one of the oldest villages in the region and was first mentioned in a document in 824. There was once a castle here and later a moated castle. Accordingly, there was also an ecclesiastical predecessor to today's Church of St Peter and Paul.
The church and castle were badly devastated during the Thirty Years' War.
A new church building was completed in 1678 in the Baroque style and dedicated to St Peter and St Paul the Apostles. The church was given an organ in 1846. Inside, the high altar, pulpit and ceiling stucco in particular bear witness to the former Baroque design.

Schlossbergstraße 9
Mammendorf - Nannhofen

Phone: 08145 1503
Kirche St. Peter und Paul, Foto: Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Mammendorf


The route continues past the small plague chapel and the solar power plant. The plague chapel is a reminder of the plague epidemic of 1650, which killed almost all the inhabitants at the time.
The path leads along the Maisach for a while and finally to a gravel extraction area. At Pfaffenhofen you can already see the tower of the St Maria's branch church from afar.

Catholic branch church of St. Maria in Jesenwang

In the Jesenwang district of Bergkirchen, the church of St Maria stands on a hill, visible from afar. It was built around 1400 on the foundations of a previous sacred building.
Three hundred years later, the Gothic church was supplemented with Baroque style elements, i.e. the windows were enlarged and the wooden ceiling was replaced with a whitewashed ceiling. The tower was given the typical baroque onion dome. Inside, the Gothic architecture remained dominant. After secularisation in 1802, the church became private property.
In 1956, it was extensively restored and Gothic frescoes were discovered and uncovered.
The church was once a place of pilgrimage, as indicated by some of the votive images in the interior.
The high altar dates from the 18th century, the altarpiece was created by the Augsburg painter Johann Rieger.

Mammendorfer Straße

Katholische Filialkirche St. Maria in Jesenwang, Foto: GFreihalter, Wikipedia, CC


The historic Roman road leads eastwards out of Jesenwang and directly to a special place of worship that is regularly visited by horse owners.

Pilgrimage church of St Willibald Jesenwang

Directly on the old Roman road between Salzburg and Augsburg, a predecessor of today's pilgrimage church already stood at the beginning of the 15th century. Its foundations can still be found under the church of St Willibald. It was built in 1478.
The honouring of St. Willibald presumably goes back to the predecessor church and has been adopted for the new church.
Willibald of Eichstätt was an Anglo-Saxon missionary travelling in what is now Germany in the 8th century. He founded a monastery in Eichstätt.

St Willibald is also considered the patron saint of animals. Hoping for a miracle, farmers from the region rode their horses to the church to have them blessed on the occasion of a horse epidemic. It is said that not a single horse fell ill with the disease afterwards. Since then, a procession with horses and horse-drawn carriages has been held every year in March. The horses are also ridden through the church for the blessing, which is why the church has two entrances on opposite sides.

St. Willibald 1

Saturday: 09:00am - 06:00pm
Sunday: 09:00am - 06:00pm
Wallfahrtskirche St. Willibald Jesenwang, Foto: GFreihalter, Wikipedia, CC


The route continues along shady forest paths to the Mammendorf leisure park.

Leisure park Mammendorf

Relaxation and active recreation are guaranteed here. The Mammendorf leisure park offers an outdoor pool with 50 metre lanes, a natural swimming lake, huge slides, multi-purpose pool with air bubble effect and current channel, table tennis and beach volleyball facilities. Playgrounds and campsite. Everything is very natural, well-kept and friendly. A kiosk provides guests with food and drink.

Freibad 3

Phone: 08145 94363
01.05. - 31.08.
Monday: 10:00am - 08:00pm
Tuesday: 10:00am - 08:00pm
Wednesday: 10:00am - 08:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am - 08:00pm
Friday: 10:00am - 08:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 08:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 08:00pm
01.09. - 30.09.
Monday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Tuesday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Wednesday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Thursday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Friday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 07:00pm
Foto: Pexels/pixabay.com

Tour ends on S-Bahnhof Mammendorf Mammendorf


From the outdoor pool, the route now leads back through Mammendorf to the S-Bahn station. If you get hungry, we recommend stopping off at the Paparazzi restaurant at Oskar-von-Miller-Straße 2.

Tour map

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